Monday, September 12, 2011


Hey Ladies and gentlemen!

First I would like to welcome you to my Blog and I hope it will help you stay Fit ‘n Beautiful.

What motivated me to do this blog is the fact that I wanted to create a platform for women to use to give them the motivation to “snap” back into shape after having children.  My blog will focus mainly on fitness since I am an avid cardio kick boxer and also instruct kickboxing in my spare time.  I will also touch on some aspect of the importance of being fit, healthy eating and fashion and beauty.  Since I'm always trying to stay and look my best, every now and then I will blog about my journeys on weightloss, maintenance, fashion and beauty. 

I got into fitness after the birth of my son in 2004.  I have to admit, I didn’t snap back the way I wanted to like I did after I had my daughter.  So after my son was born, I got comfortable ... and kind of O.D.’d on everything I couldn’t eat or drink during the pregnancy.  Boy what a mistake!  The reality check came to me when me and the hubby went on a weekend trip to Atlantic City and I weighed myself at the rest stop on one of those scales that give you a lucky number.  Yeah, I got a lucky and an unlucky number all right.  The scale showed that I weight 152lbs!!!  I was like “WTF, what the hell am I doing?, 152lbs at 5’4””!  So it was that day back in March of 2006 that I knew I had to do something.  Plus I knew, I couldn’t use the excuse “I just had a baby and this is baby weight” anymore because my son was almost 2 years old.  So the following Monday back in March of 2006 I joined a kickboxing class and also did weight watchers.  I mean, I went hardcore, kickboxing, body sculpting, boot camp, 5-6 days a week, plus eating healthy according to my weight watchers plan.  Low and behold, 6 months later I was down 40lbs. 

A few months after the weight loss, I was approach by the owner of the karate school to be an instructor.  I said yes, since it was something that I loved to do and was happy to help other women (and men) snap back into shape.  So since then I've been an instructor and have continued to do so till this day.  In the near future I am hoping to become certified in group fitness.

In closing, this blog is for something I wanted to do myself, for my family and for YOU.  I hope to pass along the information that I learn so I can help others make and meet their own personal goals.

Best regards,


  1. Hey Kickboxing Beauty...Thanks for starting this blog. I personally get encouragement/motivation from others who are also on the weightloss/healthier "me" journey. I have 40lbs that I need to shed and have been debating on whether to start a 28 day detox or join Weight Watchers (WW). The detox promises substantial weight loss and a curbed appetite afterwards, while WW is obviously not a diet but a way of healthy eating with results at a slower rate..I have a few days to decide as WW promo for BOGO month free ends Saturday...decisions, decisions :) ...Do you have a weightloss plan that you're following or one that you would recommend?...Thanks, Roxy!

  2. Congrats on starting anew blog. It's hard work. I'm sure you can do it. I look forward to great consistent posts from you.

  3. Hey Roxy... Thanks for responding to my post. When I initially lost the 40lbs, I did a combination of WW and worked my butt off 6 days a week an hour a a time. I can understand wanting to lose the weight quickly. But its my understanding that losing the weight to fast can be considered "unhealthy weight loss". With WW you dont have to deprive yourself of the foods you love and you shed 2, 3 pounds a week which is considered "healthy weight loss". Right now, Im doing my own thing. No alcoholic bevarages for at least the 1st week then after in moderation, drinking plenty of water, no less than 24oz of green tea a day, and NO junk foods. At the end of the week, Ill post my results. In about an hour I have to teach my cardio kickboxing class and I plan kicking some major bootie, including my own. Again...Thanks and follow me.

  4. Thanks Kim for your support... Its HARD and somewhat confusing, but Im getting the hang of it little by little.
